

The main goal of the AlChemiSSts project is to test and demonstrate the applicability of the SSb framework to develop innovative chemicals or materials to replace SVHCs in high-impact markets, notably for surfactants, plasticizers, and flame retardants in relevant value chains, including metal working fluids (MWFs), lubricants, insulation foams and paints, safety boots and wellies, battery cases, and sports mats.

A suite of case studies including relevant actors in each value chain will be conducted to generate scientific and technical driven evidence “Proof of Concept” of the applicability of the SSbD framework to develop alternative substances and materials with proven safety and sustainability, able to replace existing substances of concern, as well as to identify and define specific recommendations and elements to be considered for the further refinement of the SSbD framework.

EU-JRC Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) Framework implementation

The project will work on the identification of the barriers to enable the implementation of the SSbD framework at all stages of the life cycle for targeted substances, materials and applications, including data/knowledge barriers, labour resources and equipment at process level or applicability of available risk assessment, LCA or Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), and the definition and communication of proposed solutions and recommendations to foster and incentive the application of the SSbD framework.

⟶  To develop new SSbD-driven alternatives with surfactant, flame retardant or plasticising functionalities

 To implement integrated approaches and tools to support safety, sustainability and social assessment based on interoperable FAIR data and models

Project Objectives

To generate evidence and documentation for a “Proof of Concept” of the applicability of the SSbD Framework

 To demonstrate the application of the SSbD framework to targeted applications and use cases

⟶ To develop a SSbD certification methodology to promote SSbD implementation

Multiple stakeholders Co-creative process

We involve key actors along entire value chains in a co-creative process that balances the perspectives and interests of stakeholders from industry (including SMEs), regulation, policy, consultants (and CROs), academia, and the civil society for the definition and integration of environment, health, safety and sustainability criteria and indicators to support SSbD decision making.

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